

To use apple login in Android, you need a backend server that receives by POST. This is because the Apple server requests login information to that server.

Therefore, the user must set the Redirect Uri in the Developer Console, and when a POST request comes in from the Apple server, attach the body to coolish://callback? in the query string and call Redirect. This is because UrI parsing is possible in the SDK.

The reason coolish://callback? is added is to receive a query string as an intent in Android.

Android Apple Login Logic

  1. Go to the Identifiers menu and click the "+" button.

  1. We will register a Services ID to receive information about users who have signed in with Apple.

  1. Description is the space where the game name will be exposed when Apple Login. (can be modified)

    Please write the Identifier to include the domain name. (However, please write it differently from AppID.)

  1. If the Services ID is registered, click the registered Services ID in the Identifiers menu list to go to the setting page.

  1. click the "+" button next to the Website URLs.

    • Primary App ID: Select an App ID to connect

    • Domains and Subdomains : Please enter the domain of the redirect url.

    • Return URLs : Please Enter the URL to receive redirect from Apple server. (You must redirect after receiving it as a post.)

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